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we know you have questions, here are the answers

citizenMovement – what is it, why is it?
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As mobile citizens, we travel the world, explore cities, and reach most destinations easily. It got us thinking: what makes us so lucky? The answer is ‘mobility’. It’s even in our name. For us, mobility is readily accessible, something we don't really think about. You could say we take it for granted. But for some, mobility is not only hard to achieve, it's also a luxury they simply cannot afford.

Thinking about these challenges led us to establish our charity: the citizenMovement Foundation. It's founded on one of our values: real caring. We thought real caring shouldn't just stay within our four walls. It should make a difference to people who have never been, and perhaps never will be, citizenM guests. 

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what is our mission and goals?
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We want to inspire our employees, guests and neighbours to help others. Our mission: to shorten the distance between people and opportunities by giving them the gift of mobility. 

We seek out organisations who share the same philosophy as we do. Since 2018, we have been working with a partner who continually impresses with their vision and plans – World Bicycle Relief (WBR). citizenMovement charity supports their goal of changing the world, one bicycle at a time. 

what is our impact focus?
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In previous years, together with World Bicycle Relief, the focus of citizenMovement has been on supporting students across Sub-Saharan Africa with bicycles to ensure they have access to education, safer living and more freedom.

Now, we have the opportunity to support mobilizing a whole community. In doing this, we will have an even greater impact and a stronger connection with our mission: to shorten the distance between people and opportunities.

Watch World Bicycle Relief's video to learn more.

what is the Mobilized Communities model?
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An evolution of World Bicycle Relief's work since 2005, the Mobilized Communities model drives sustainable bicycle use through community-led programming to improve rural access to health, education, conservation, and livelihoods. In partnership with communities, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), governments and the private sector, targeted regions benefit from an infusion of quality bicycles, programming and mechanic training.

With widespread access to reliable transportation, individuals within these communities can begin to lift themselves out of poverty by increasing productivity, income and access to education and healthcare. Women and girls, in particular, whose empowerment is essential for community wellbeing, are prioritized under the Mobilized Communities model.